This term we have been learning about persuasive writing and what it means. Persuasive writing is a type of writing that it means to persuade you into doing or buying things. Example a lot of company’s use persuasive writing so more costumers will visit their environment.
So in this post I will have a rhetorical question, a simile, and I will use persuasive writing. Here is my take on it.
Most skills use so much technology, especially to do writing. Does it hurt your eyes when you stare at a screen? I think that schools should use less because, always being on a device is not going to increase your fine motor skills, writing on a computer will make it so you don’t practice handwriting and people get enough screen time at home and if you’re handwriting isn’t clear no one will be able to read it!!!
Constantly writing on a computer is not going to improve your handwriting. However when you write in your book you will be improving your handwriting to make it look neat and professional. Don’t you want to be able to write nice and clear?
Writing in a book will be better for your brain and your fine motor skills, when you’re just typing on a Chromebook your hands only lightly glide across the keyboard! And when you write with a pencil your hand will be tightened and strong and you will be moving your wrist and strengthening it.
At home you get enough screen time and you are damaging your eyes staring at a screen. You need to make sure your eyes are nice and healthy and if you are always on a screen your eyes will get blurrier and blurrier.
Using technology every day is as bad as binge eating candy!!
So no more technology!!